Create a developer account
In order to use the LiveConsent API, you must create an account on and get a valid API Key for your account.
Get your API key
For a developer account validation, please send a request to mailto:[email protected] with the following information:
- email: the email address associated with your LiveConsent account
- default_callback_url (optional): a valid HTTPS URL for your callback script
- application_name (optional): the name of your application; this name will be used for the button that will make a redirection to a specified URL (default_return_url or a custom URL defined for each recipient)
- default_return_url (optional): The base URL for the recipient redirection after he signed/rejected the document
You will receive an API key, associated to your developer account.
Need Help ?
We’re always happy to help. Get in touch with us by sending a message to [email protected] (an account on is required).