This method extend expiration date for a live LCS request or resend an expired LCS request.
API function usage type: HigherLevel

Additional Notes

Table with values for request_status, request_status_info, request_status_date and description:

2REQUEST_DRAFTDate of creationRequest state is draft
3REQUEST_ACCEPTEDDate of last signatureRequest document(s) is/are signed
4REQUEST_LIVEDate when request was live (sent to recipients)Request is still waiting for one or more signatures
5REQUEST_CANCELEDDate when the requester cancelledRequest has been cancelled by requester
6REQUEST_REJECTEDDate when the recipient rejectedRequest has been declined by a recipient
7REQUEST_EXPIREDDate of expiryRequest is expired

HTTP Request

Request Content-Type: application/json

JSON BODY PARAMS - name and value pairs description:

  • request_id: LCS request identifier to update; Value of "request_id" or "unique_submit_id". JSON Data Type: String
  • request_id_type (optional): Type of LCS identifier for "request_id" field; Values: "request_id" or "unique_submit_id"; Default value: "request_id"; JSON Data Type: String
  • send_notification (optional): Send notification to all recipients; Value: Boolean (true or false); Default value: true

Exemples of JSON for Extend/Resend

Example of HTTP Request JSON Body data to add extra time to a request:

	"request_id": "02GB0G",
	"request_id_type": "request_id"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!